
Sample File
A sample (Collection 004) MODATML2 HDF file (2.9MB), a fully populated daytime granule, is available for download.
This file was generated from MODIS data on January 26, 2004 and covers north-central Australia.
The image (inset) was created from the L1B radiance data for the same granule (RGB=1:4:3)
and is clickable to view a full-resolution version.
The sample HDF data file can be used to familiarize yourself with the data format
and/or as input to MODIS visualization and analysis software on your local platform.
Ordering Data
All MODIS Atmosphere data products are available to the public (at no charge)
through the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS).
This new and user-friendly MODIS data ordering system
gives the user convenient means to simultaneously order several MODIS Data Sets, including Geolocation.
This system also works well for single products.
Acquiring Data Through Anonymous FTP
Typically, 3 months or more of ATM L2's are being kept on the Goddard online datapool,
therefore users can acquire ATM L2 files through anonymous ftp from anywhere in the world.
FTP Download Instructions: (best for mulitple file download)
- On your destination machine, 'cd' into a directory where the data files will be stored
- FTP to the NASA Goddard ECS ftp server by typing: ftp g0dps01u.ecs.nasa.gov
- When the server asks for a name, type: anonymous
- When the server asks for a password, type your email address
- Go to the appropriate directory.
For MODIS Atmosphere level 2 files, type one of the following suffices:
, or cd MOAA
,where MOAT stands for 'MODIS Atmosphere Terra' and MOAA stands for 'MODIS Atmosphere Aqua'
- Go to the appropriate L2 product directory. For the L2 Joint Atmosphere Product from Terra type: cd MODATML2.004
or, for Aqua type: cd MYDATML2.003
- Go to the desired day of data. For example to access data for October 25, 2003 type: cd 2003.10.25
(Be careful at this step to use the data date, and not the file creation date, to access the correct directory.)
- Turn-off ftp interactive mode prompting by typing: prompt
- Change to binary transfer mode: by typing: binary
Note that the server should log you in as binary mode transfer by default, however it's safer to explicitly specify binary
to avoid potential data corruption from transfering data as ascii inadvertantly.
- Get the files by typing:
mget *
(this transfers to the destination machine all of the day's data and metadata files)
mget *hdf
(this transfers to the destination machine all of the day's data files)
mget *xml
(this transfers to the destination machine all of the day's metadata files)
- Quit the ftp session by typing: bye
Web Browser Access of FTP Server: (best for single file download)
- Click on the FTP server link: g0dps01u.ecs.nasa.gov
- Go to the appropriate directory. For MODIS Atmosphere level 2 files, double click on MOAT, or MOAA
,where MOAT stands for 'MODIS Atmosphere Terra' and MOAA stands for 'MODIS Atmosphere Aqua'
- Go to the appropriate L2 product directory. For the L2 Joint Atmosphere Product from Terra double click on MODATML2.004
or, for Aqua MYDATML2.003
- Go to the desired day of data. For example to access data for October 25, 2003 double click on 2003.10.25
Be careful at this step to use the data date (and not the file creation date) to access the correct directory.
- Get individual files by double clicking on them and selecting the "Save" option in the browser's pop-up window