Updated the Data Issues page for
Cloud Mask (35_L2)
Water Vapor (05_L2).
(21 July 2016)
Updated the MODIS Data Products Calendar,
which shows the processing status, data availability, and PGE version evolution for all MODIS Atmosphere HDF data products.
(30 June 2016)
Added a new PPT Presentation
given by Dr. Michael King at the IRS Meeting in Auckland (April 2016).
(26 June 2016)
Updated the Known Issues page for 06_L2.
(7 June 2016)
Updated the Citation to the Data Object Identifier (DOI) page of the
Cloud (06_L2) product section.
(26 May 2016)
Updated the pointer to the Collection 6 Filled Albedo Map on the Albedo: Acquiring page.
(22 October 2015)
Added the updated final (version 1) User Guide for Cloud Optical Properties to the Home page;
as well as several other locaions (pages) throughout the site.
(15 October 2015)
Updated the
C6 Known Issues for 06_L2 (Cloud Product)
pages -- adding a PDF document providing a summary of the impact of the MODIS Terra Band 29 (8.6 ?m) radiometric calibration drift on
cloud products, which is causing false clouds to be reported, which is impacting a number of Cloud Products
(in L2 and L3).
(17 September 2015)
Added a new page for Ancillary Input Files to the Level-2 Cloud (MOD06_L2) Product:
MOD06_L2 Ancillary Input.
(30 July 2015)
Added new
L3 Timeseries pages to the IMAGES section.
This new information is to be used for QA purposes only.
(23 July 2015)
Added a final version of the L3 ATBD (Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document) & Users Guide for Collection 6 (C6) to the Collection 006 Documentation page.
It was also added to (linked from) the "Reference: ATBD and Plans" page -- as well as the ATBD pages in the three L3 Product Sections -- and finally on the home page.
(23 July 2015)
Updated the
C6 Known Issues for 35_L2 (Cloud Mask Product) and the
C6 Known Issues for 06_L2 (Cloud Product)
pages -- adding a PDF document providing additional information on the GDAS Change Impacts.
(8 July 2015)
Added a Data Object Identifier (DOI) page to the
Aerosol (04_L2),
Water Vapor (05_L2),
Cloud (06_L2),
Atm Profile (07_L2),
Cloud Mask (35_L2),
Joint L2 (ATML2),
Daily Global (08_D3),
8-Day Global (08_E3), and
Monthly Global (08_M3)
product sections.
(28 May 2015)
Added the updated ATBD for Cloud Top Properties and Cloud Phase for Collection 6 to the Collection 006 Documentation page.
(6 May 2015)
Added the updated QA Plan for Collection 6 to the Collection 006 Documentation page.
(6 May 2015)
Updated the C6 Known Problems for 06_L2 (Cloud Product) page.
(18 March 2015)