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Scientific Publication
Cloud Optical Properties (06_L2)
Platnick, S., K. Meyer, M. D. King, G. Wind, N. Amarasinghe, B. Marchant, G. T. Arnold, Z. Zhang, P. A. Hubanks, R. E. Holz, P. Yang, W. L. Ridgway, and J. Riedi, 2017: The MODIS cloud optical and microphysical products: Collection 6 updates and examples from Terra and Aqua. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 55, 502ñ525, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2016.2610522.
Products: 06_L2 (Cloud Optical Properties).
Users Guides
Offered below are Users Guides for the MODIS L2 Cloud Product (06_L2).
Cloud Optical Properties (06_L2)
Cloud Product - C006 Cloud Optical Properties
Platnick, King, Meyer, Wind, et. al, October 2015
Cloud Optical Properties - Collection 6 Users Guide.
Products: 06_L2 (Cloud Optical Properties).
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
Offered below are the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) for the MODIS L2 Cloud Product (06_L2)
and L3 parameters derived from this product.
Cloud (06_L2)
Cloud Product - C006 Cloud Top Properties & Cloud Phase
(Updated May 2015)
Menzel, Frey, Baum, 2015:
Cloud Top Properties and Cloud Phase - Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.
Products: 06_L2 (CT).
Cloud Product - C005/051 Cloud Top Properties & Cloud Phase
(Updated October 2010)
Menzel, Frey, Baum, 2010:
Cloud Top Properties and Cloud Phase - Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.
Products: 06_L2 (CT).
Cloud Product - C005/051 Cloud Optical Properties
(Updated January 1998)
King, Tsay, Platnick, Wang, & Liou, 1998:
Cloud Retrieval Algorithms for MODIS: Optical Thickness, Effective Particle Radius, and Thermodynamic Phase.
Products: 06_L2 (OD).
Diagrams and Flow Charts
Offered below are MODIS and MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) versions of the cloud mask test diagrams and final thermodynamic phase flow charts.
The final version of the phase flow charts were developed by Dr. Jerome Riedi.
Collection 005
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2005:
MODIS Cloud Mask Test Diagrams.
Products: 06_L2, 08_D3, 08_E3, 08_M3.
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2005:
MODIS Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Flowchart.
Products: 06_L2, 08_D3, 08_E3, 08_M3.
Collection 004
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2002:
MODIS Cloud Mask Test Diagrams.
Products: 06_L2, 08_D3, 08_E3, 08_M3.
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2002:
MODIS Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Flowchart.
Products: 06_L2, 08_D3, 08_E3, 08_M3.
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2002:
MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Cloud Mask Test Diagrams.
Products: MAS L2 Data.
King, Platnick, & Riedi, 2002:
MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Flowchart.
Products: MAS L2 Data.