
File Format Basics

The One-Minute Land Ecosystem Classification product file is stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF).
HDF is a multi-object file format for sharing
scientific data in multi-platform distributed environments.
HDF files should only be accessed through HDF library subroutine and function calls,
which can be downloaded from the HDF web site.
All of the parameters are stored as Scientific Data Sets (SDS's) within the HDF file.
File Frequency and Maximum File Size
- A Single Static One-Minute Land Ecosystem Classification Map File ~1.1 GB
One-Minute Land Ecosystem Classification Map Product File Details
Dimension List:
- NumLatPoints = 10800
- NumLongPoints = 21600
SDS List:
- Latitude (NumLatPoints)
Description: Geodetic Latitude
Valid Range: 90 (90N) to -90 (90S) degrees
Type: Float
- Longitude (NumLonPoints)
Description: Geodetic Longitude
Valid Range: -180 (180W) to 180 (180E) degrees
Type: Float
- IGBP_Land_Cover_Type (NumLatPoints, NumLongPoints)
Description: IGBP Ecosystem Classification Map
Type: Byte
Valid Range: '\0' to '\376'
Fill Value: '\377'
Units: Class Number
water = '\0'
evergreen needleleaf forest = '\1'
evergreen broadleaf forest = '\2'
deciduous needleleaf forest = '\3'
deciduous broadleaf forest = '\4'
mixed forests = '\5'
closed shrubland = '\6'
open shrublands = '\7'
woody savannas = '\10'
savannas = '\11'
grasslands = '\12'
permanent wetlands = '\13'
croplands = '\14'
urban and built-up = '\15'
cropland/natural vegetation mosaic = '\16'
snow and ice = '\17'
barren or sparsely vegetated = '\20'
unclassified = '\376'
Note: '\#' is an octal (base 8) notation
(e.g.: '\7' = 7, '\10' = 8, '\20'=16, '\376' = 254, '\377' = 255)
- IGBP_Land_Cover_Type_Assessment (NumLatPoints, NumLongPoints)
long_name = "IGBP Land Cover Classification Type Assessment"
units = "flags"
valid_range = '\0', '\376'
FillValue = '\377'
- IGBP_Land_Cover_Type_Secondary (NumLatPoints, NumLongPoints)
long_name = "Land_Cover_Type_1_Secondary"
units = "flags"
valid_range = '\0', '\376'
FillValue = '\377'
- IGBP_Land_Cover_Type_Secondary_Percent (NumLatPoints, NumLongPoints)
long_name = "IGBP Land Cover Classification Type Secondary Class"
units = "percent in intergers"
valid_range = '\0', '\376'
FillValue = '\377'
- Land_Cover_Type_QC(NumLatPoints, NumLongPoints)
long_name = "IGBP Land Cover Classification Type Secondary Class Percentage."
units = "concatenated"
valid_range = '\376', '\0'
FillValue = '\377'
First two bits = "Mandatory QA"
processed, good quality = '\0'
processed, see other quality = '\1'
not processed due to cloud effects = '\2'
not processed due to other effects = '\3'
Next two bits = "Quarters since last updated"
0 quarter = '\0'
1 quarter = '\1'
2 quarter = '\2'
3 quarter = '\3'
Final four bits = "Land water mask"
Shallow ocean = '\0'
Land (Nothing else but land) = '\1'
Ocean coastlines and lake shorelines = '\2'
Shallow inland water = '\3'
Ephemeral water = '\4'
Deep inland water = '\5'
Moderate or continental ocean = '\6'
Deep ocean = '\7'