Sample File
A sample (Collection 004) MOD07_L2 HDF file (30MB), a fully populated daytime granule, is available for download.
This file was generated from MODIS data on January 26, 2004 and covers north-central Australia.
The image (inset) was created from the L1B radiance data for the same granule (RGB=1:4:3)
and is clickable to view a full-resolution version.
The sample HDF data file can be used to familiarize yourself with the data format
and/or as input to MODIS visualization and analysis software on your local platform.
MOD07_L2 HDF File
Ordering Data
All MODIS Atmosphere data products are available to the public (at no charge)
through the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS).
This new and user-friendly MODIS data ordering system
gives the user convenient means to simultaneously order several MODIS Data Sets, including Geolocation.
This system also works well for single products.