Product Grid
The MODIS Water Vapor (MOD05_L2) product contains data that has
a spatial resolution (pixel size) of 1 x 1 kilometers (at nadir)
or 5 x 5 kilometers (at nadir).
Each MOD05_L2 product file covers a five-minute time interval (based on
the start time of each MODIS Level-1B granule), which
means the MOD05_L2 output grid is 1350 1-km pixels in width and 2030 1-km pixels in length
(or 270 by 406 5-km pixels) for nine consecutive granules. Every tenth granule has an output
grid size of 1350 by 2040 pixels (or 270 by 408).
Granule Coverage
The image below depicts MODIS Level-2 granule coverage
during a single simulated orbit. Twenty
consecutive granules are depicted.
It should be noted that a granule of Level-2 MODIS
data is defined as a single Level-2 MODIS product HDF file.