
Collection 006 Known Problems
- Three Minor Issues in Aerosol Data
Description: There are three known problems in 04_L2 (10km res.) and 04_3K (3km res.) files for Collection 6. None of these problems are planned to be fixed at this time, but could be fixed in a future delivery. The problems are:
- Non-populating Mean_Reflectance_Ocean SDS in some scenerios (04_L2): The SDS Mean_Reflectance_Ocean is not populating when Aerosol_Optical_Depth = 0.
- Long Name descriptor omission (04_L2): There is an omission in the "long_name" local attribute for one parameter: PSML003_Ocean. It should be noted that this abbreviated SDS name is an acronym for "Particles of the Small Mode Aerosol larger than 0.03 microns".
The long_name currently reads "Inferred column number concentration (number per area) of particles larger than 0.03 micron for 'best' (1) and 'average' (2) solutions";
and it should read "Inferred column number concentration (number per area) of particles of Small Mode Aerosol larger than 0.03 micron for 'best' (1) and 'average' (2) solutions".
- Scan_Start_Time SDS issue for 3km Aerosol (04_3K): For the Aerosol 3km Product (04_3K), there is a bug in interpolation routine to compute SDS “Scan_Start_Time”, causing some incorrect values. Scanline 1 in the 04_3K granule has the correct start time. However an interpolation error causes the start time to increment too fast for subsequent scans, and by the end of the 04_3K granule, the start time is off by nearly 7000 seconds (nearly 12 minues).
Impact: Low
Data Dates Affected: 7/2002-current
Platform Affected: Aqua Only
PGE Version
Production Dates
PGE Version
Production Dates
≤ PGE04 v6.0.39
≤ Current Date
(Not Corrected)
(Not Corrected)
PGE Version History Summary

How to Track MODIS Data File "Versions" (Important for Tracking Problems and Fixes)
Problems and fixes in MODIS Atmosphere Product HDF files can be tracked in one of two ways:
- the Product Generation Executive (PGE) Version Number that can be queried from any HDF file using the command:
ncdump -h *.hdf
- the HDF File "Production Date".
The HDF File "Production Date", which is the date the HDF file was actually generated or produced, can be found in the HDF filename itself (shown in green color below):
Level 2 Product Names:
Level 3 Product Names:
Note that 1.) all times are UTC time, not local time 2.) the DDD in the date denotes the Julian Date (001-366), and 3.) the MOD06_L2 (or MOD08_D3) prefix is only an example (MYD04_L2, MOD05_L2, MYD05_L2, MYD06_L2, etc. ... or MYD08_D3, MOD08_E3, MYD08_E3, MOD08_M3, MYD08_M3 could be substituted).