Collection 051 Sample File
A sample (Collection 051) MOD04_L2 HDF file, a fully populated daytime granule, is available for download.
The image (inset) was created from the L1B radiance data for the same granule (RGB=1:4:3) 1 April 2010 (2010 091) at 0950 UTC.
The sample HDF data file can be used to familiarize yourself with the data format
and used as input to visualization and analysis software on your local platform.
MOD04_L2 HDF File (1.8 MB)
Ordering Data
All MODIS Atmosphere data products are available to the public (at no charge)
through the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS).
This new and user-friendly MODIS data ordering system
gives the user convenient means to simultaneously order several MODIS Data Sets, including Geolocation.
This system also works well for single products.