Reading All Value-Added Product HDF Files
Program Name:
Program Description:
Through a series of subroutines, a section of the either map or statistics from all of the value-added products can be read.
There is also a routine which computes equal-angle map indices (of any resolution) from an inputted latitude and longitude.
A sample call program is also included which demonstrates how each of the subroutines is called and used.
Language and Environment Requirements:
Fortran 90, HDF Toolkit.
The HDF file to be subsetted must be visible to the program. That is, the HDF file must be accessible from the platform where the program is running.
Installation Tips:
Once the files are unzipped and untarred, examine the README and HowToRun text files for more details on installing and running the code.
Eric Moody (NASA GSFC).
Current Version (Release Date):
Version 1.0 (April 27, 2004).
ReadMe File
Application File
Note: Download file is zipped and tarred.
To Unzip use the command "gzip -d filename".
To UnTar use the command "tar -xvf filename".