File and/or Sub-Directory Links for /private/ichoku/Fok-Yan

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Date Time Size File    Higher Level Directory
2010-03-05 17:54 1.3M MOD14_Fire_Table_2004183.dat
2010-03-05 17:56 4.2K
2010-11-16 10:35 23M gdas1.PGrbF00.040701.00z
2010-11-16 10:35 23M gdas1.PGrbF00.040701.06z
2010-11-16 10:35 23M gdas1.PGrbF00.040701.12z
2010-11-16 10:35 23M gdas1.PGrbF00.040701.18z
2010-03-05 17:53 139M grant_mod04_2004183.tar.gz
2010-03-05 18:07 2.1M mafst_2002_Alaska.xls
2010-03-05 17:56 53K
2010-03-05 17:56 27K
2010-03-05 17:56 201K wgrib.c
2010-03-05 18:07 16M yy_mafst_2002_Alaska.xls